


The building was constructed on this site in 1889 as a classroom building for the Fifth Higher Middle School, which had opened in April 1887. Since then, numerous students have taken classes here. In September 1894 it was renamed the Fifth High School and, according to the post-World War II school reformation, became part of Kumamoto University. After becoming the University, the building housed lecture rooms and research offices, and classes in general education and language studies were taught here.

In August 1969, the nearby chemistry laboratory and the red brick entrance gate were designated by the national government as Important Cultural Properties. In 1993, with an exhibition of materials relating to the School, the Museum opened to the public on weekends. From April 2006, it also opened on weekdays, and in 2010 it was recognized as an official museum.

Central staircase newel drawings  The parent pillars are decorated
with sculptures of Greek-type cylindrical


Location: 860-8555 Kumamoto City, Chuo-ku, Kurokami 2-40-1
Contact: e-mail: goko@kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Tel: 096-342-2050
Fax: 096-342-2051
Museum Facts Type: Historical museum
Structure: 2 floors, above ground
Building area: 921.6 square meters.
Land area: 806 square meters
Construction: Ceramic roof tiles, Brick walls, Wooden entryways
Date Completed: 1889 (Meiji 22)
Architects: Yamaguchi Hanroku, Kuru Masamichi



“The Fifth High School”

The Catalogue of the Museum collection by the Memorial Museum of the Fifth High School

October 10, 2007
A4 size, 157 pages,   JPY 2000.
Inquire at the Museum.

Documents Volume 1

“Fifth High School Military Training Expeditions”

March 31, 2012 A4 size, 131 pages,   JPY 1000.
Inquire at the Museum.

1. High School Education in Wartime and Military Service
2. Fifth High School’s “Student Expeditions”
3. Memoranda
4. Surveys on the Fifth High School
5. Meetings to Discuss Student Expeditions
6. Summary of Fifth High School Student Expedition Documents
Concluding Remarks

“The Museum Report, Volume 1”

(for 2006-2008)

“The Museum Report, Volume 2”

(for 2009-2012)

“Military Training at the Fifth High School: Investigations”

Report on “Investigation of the Fifth High School during and after War”

March 31, 2010
Click on University Repository for details.